its not that i dont like using the train...i actually take the train when i can, as its convenient and fast to wherever you're going. im refering to off peak times when you actually have a seat, the ride is somewhat enjoyable... you know these times right? these times are enjoyable because your face isnt pressed up against some persons back who presumably did not shower for weeks. Why? well just to make your trip that much more exciting as your senses are overloading with some kind of mixed garlic, bacon and old beer smell. that actually happened, and I'm dry heaving now just thinking about it.
the times i cant deal with are just that. there are a certain amount of seats on the train for a reason. does max capacity ring a bell?

work work work... thats all you hear... think about your conversation with your friends...hey man, how are you... pretty good, work is crazy, same things...and you? sound familiar? ... shouldnt family come before work? shouldnt the things we enjoy come before work? im not saying to quit your job... thats dumb and people that quit their jobs to go live in a tree house drinking herbal tea while they become one with nature are losers... its my opinion so deal with it... and im not saying that i hate work...because i definitely dont... i actually consider myself one of the more fortunate individuals who actually like what they do...

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