Friday, January 8, 2010

boredom developing from lack of altitude...

you know, i never really appreciated how tasty bacon is. it really is the ultimate food... what other food could you actually infuse with vodka? .. im serious. .. . now if they were to make general tso's chicken flavored vodka.. that might top the list...but i think that has a few more years in the making... ill wait patiently until that glorious day. think about flying and bacon for a second here... especially on commercial flights... imagine a sweet tasty strip of fat and grease to compliment those little peanut packets... thats the cats pajamas right there baby! i'd be pissed if first class tickets were already getting this... why am i talking about bacon? ... probably because i watched somebody eat this amazing BLT for lunch and i couldnt help but salivate in a pavlovian type response...i mean really, the only thing missing was the bell...

so yes, im bored... cant fly...cant jump... the snow is not even nice anymore,...its just nasty and asphalt stained...

on the scorecard ... winter,1 ... petro,0.

you'll notice too that the airpark is running tip top this winter thanks to the commanding officer positioned in the eagles nest. in spain they would call him "el hombre", but here in the states we call him "the man".

hopefully it gets warmer soon...

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