ok how do i sum up the last couple weeks of my life? I GOT ENGAGED!.. planning, planning, proposal, aftermath, whirlwind of friends and family... where am I? .. i swear to god if i walked out of my house and saw the wicked witch of the east crushed underneath the foundation,..i wouldnt be the least bit surprised,...in fact, .. i would be pretty psyched to now have the opportunity to catch and tame one of those flying monkeys! .. whatever.. anyways..so here is how it went...
it was early January and i knew i was marrying her since our first couple dates...you may think im crazy,..but believe me I've dated "crazy"...and this was the farthest thing from crazy... i would describe it as comfortable peace... or realization... something like that...but i knew this was the feeling/woman i had been searching for,and to be honest had given up hope for... assuming my bachelor lifestyle was what i would be living...
so back to january...i cant wait any longer and start looking at engagement rings...right away, everyone has a jeweler! ... hey petro, i know this guy you should talk to him... how many jewelers are out there? ... well, as luck would have it,...the first jeweler i spoke to happened to know my entire family, had already done business with a few of them and it made me feel much better standing in the middle of the diamond district feeling like i was going to get cheated somehow...
the experience was quite the opposite...i was able to find a beautiful diamond and left the city that day with a receipt for it all... i was so excited i could hardly hold it in... but wait a minute... this was only january... my plans to propose were in february so that means i would have to hold on to it for a month? .. NOTE*** if you are going to propose... dont buy the ring until like a week before. it drove me nuts having to hold on to this thing...all i wanted to do was give it to her... but anyways back to the story...
so now i have to come up with the plan...how would i do it? .. we had some plans to go into the city already for valentines day and had discussed a carriage ride in central park... this would be it... so i got to work...
first i got a hold of the carriage driver...what a nice guy,... told him my plans and discussed with him the area where it all would happen...we worked out a quick scripted dialoge that would get the two of us out of the carriage at a predetermined spot...
next, i hired an acoustic guitarist to be standing at the spot and had him rehearse one of our songs.. what a great guy as well, was very supportive with everything...
then i went and hired a car service to pick us up after it all happens,.... champagne, flowers, etc... for the ride back to see the families...
..ok, fast forward to valentines day,..this blog is becoming like 5 pages...
we spent the wknd at the W hotel in union square,...which is becoming our hangout,..very cool in there... and then woke up sunday morning. we exchanged some gifts for valentines day and got our things together and started to make our way up to the park. we had to reserve the carriage due to the amount of people trying to bump there way up into a carriage... it was actually kind of funny...when we got to the park there were like 7 other couples waiting for the next carriage...our driver never even came out of the park,..he just circled the horse around and was waving his arms in the air as if to be saying .. hurry up, jump in before were attacked! ..so we made a mad dash and jumped up...
it was comfy and warm under a couple blankets, the temp was like 38 and things were going well... then i realize,...with the ring in my pocket.. .that there might be a hole in my jeans... in fact there are a lot of holes!!! damn abercrombie! people buy me abercrombie jeans and they look like someone took a belt sander to them... i dont get it. but thats the style i guess, so i roll with it... stylish or not, it doesnt make me feel better with an engagement ring possibly falling out of them...so i figure out a way to put my pinky finger through the ring in my pocket to keep it close... hahaha lol..
ok, so we get to the spot, the driver says his piece about having to give the horse a quick rest...and we get out. our guitarist is hanging out playing for some other people as we make our way to the terrace getting a nice view of the landscape...
now this is kinda funny... the guitarist comes over and as we had rehearsed, wishes us a happy valentines day and asks us if we would like a song. my fiance, before i could say anything spoke a polite... no thank you.
ahhh!! ok..no problem.. so i turn to her and say,..hun, it'll be nice lets just let him sing us a song... ok she says ,...so the guy asks if we have any requests, and i ask him to surprise us with the prerehearsed song...
i asked and she said yes. .. next blog will be about how much champagne a human being can consume in a 24 hour period.
till then
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
blizzards and milk
someone was telling me this morning that we're supposed to have a blizzard this saturday in NY? ... i didnt buy it, and went to the ol' triple dubba..and it said just snow...no mention of the B word. if we did, that would be fine,..i dont mind either way and actually kinda like it... except for having to shovel it. then my mind started to think about what goes on when people expect a blizzard. what is the one thing people buy immediately??? yes! MILK! .. but why? is milk some universal beverage that if you're stuck in the house you can survive on for a long time? milk has an expiration you know,... what happened to canned goods, or water? ...
lets take a step back... is this even necessary? maybe up in alaska or anyplace where they get tons of snow... but in NY? .. the snow is gone the next day and if its not, its plowed...i cant remember ever being stuck in the house for more than a day and that was when i was a little petro... we dont even get snow like that anymore.
people are crazy, and brainwashed if you ask me...
lets take a step back... is this even necessary? maybe up in alaska or anyplace where they get tons of snow... but in NY? .. the snow is gone the next day and if its not, its plowed...i cant remember ever being stuck in the house for more than a day and that was when i was a little petro... we dont even get snow like that anymore.
people are crazy, and brainwashed if you ask me...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
back from PR...
yah, so I got back from PR last night to some suhweeet freezing temps, and a little bit o' snow this morning here in NY... its incredible how much I miss the beach right now,... Ive said it before and ill say it again... I think I'm solar powered, perhaps we all are?.. another topic for another time,...right now I want to talk about beach etiquette.
Let me paint a picture for you real quick... it's a beautiful sunny afternoon, slight breeze, ocean crashing in the background, the sun recharging your body as you feel a slight tingle all the way through your skin...there are occasional couples walking by as you cant have the entire beach to yourself
(although that would be super...see picture)... but even still, its a nice low key social setting, making you completely relaxed and comfortable having just found the right position laying on your stomach as you've built up a little head rest for your forehead so your nose doesn't get mushed... and then...
in a seemingly intentional style, a couple decides to set up some beach chairs about 10 ft. away from you. Of course the breeze is blowing towards you so now there is sand being kicked up into the wind landing on your back and face. as if this wasn't enough, they put on a radio with some bullsh*t garbage that I cant even understand... I quickly put an end to that, but then in a retaliatory manner asked if I would mind them putting up an umbrella...
I don't even know how i kept everything I wanted to say inside, but I simply made them aware that there was an entire beach they could use, and that if they put up their umbrella in this exact location, it would block the sun I was bathing in.
so, .. mood destroyed, I'm annoyed, sandy and awake from a once relaxed state of mind while these two seem to be completely incapable of any form of consideration.
... the rest of the trip was excellent though,... we enjoyed some great food and had some good fun in the casino... unfortunately i think we may have paid for a chandelier in the lobby by the time we left, but it was some fun entertainment.. or at least that's how i rationalize it...
good times... lata!
Let me paint a picture for you real quick... it's a beautiful sunny afternoon, slight breeze, ocean crashing in the background, the sun recharging your body as you feel a slight tingle all the way through your skin...there are occasional couples walking by as you cant have the entire beach to yourself

in a seemingly intentional style, a couple decides to set up some beach chairs about 10 ft. away from you. Of course the breeze is blowing towards you so now there is sand being kicked up into the wind landing on your back and face. as if this wasn't enough, they put on a radio with some bullsh*t garbage that I cant even understand... I quickly put an end to that, but then in a retaliatory manner asked if I would mind them putting up an umbrella...
I don't even know how i kept everything I wanted to say inside, but I simply made them aware that there was an entire beach they could use, and that if they put up their umbrella in this exact location, it would block the sun I was bathing in.
so, .. mood destroyed, I'm annoyed, sandy and awake from a once relaxed state of mind while these two seem to be completely incapable of any form of consideration.
... the rest of the trip was excellent though,... we enjoyed some great food and had some good fun in the casino... unfortunately i think we may have paid for a chandelier in the lobby by the time we left, but it was some fun entertainment.. or at least that's how i rationalize it...
good times... lata!
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